
weird blank spaces?

there is no visual indicator of this so I will state it here, this page uses spotify embeds but in the interest of both my testing and your internet (especially once I add all the embeds I wish to add) they will only load on a per artist situation when you click anywhere in an artists area (but not the blank space maybe). Alternatively you can load ALL OF THEM by clicking the main musics heading.

//TODO add artist list here with jump to sections

also sorry, unsure of if/how to change the embed volume so far so they might be loud

Green Day Devi McCallion


Influences from Father

these influences are from childhood

this came later (~2022)

Influences from Mother

these influences are from childhood

this came later (~2019)

High school times

Influences from Ethan (~2020)

Influences from Emm

Uni hours

as uni comes to an end

the current era